Morris & Essex is on hiatus for the month of October! ...
It's hard to get time off when you have your own business, and I always feel guilty when I think about stepping away for a minute or a weekend or whatever. But I also believe that one aspect of sustainable business is self-care. Working relentlessly without a break is the road to madness and burn-out, so the next few weeks are set aside for family time, outdoor time in the beautiful fall weather, creative time with a sketchbook and pens, and ok, maybe a little bit of catching up on book-keeping and unfinished projects.
My website is on hiatus, we won’t be shipping any orders until November 1st. But you can still visit and take a look around, http://www.morrisessex.com 🌟
#morrisandessexdesign #selfcare #fallweather #natureinspiration #smallbusiness #handmadeinmaine #madeinmaine #octoberbreak #sustainablebusiness #mainedesign #familybusiness #coloringtherapy #crayola #morrisandessex